Welcome to Transtheology.org! My name is Deborah Addington; I'm a queer and Indecent Theologian and your sitekeeper at present. As this is meant to be an open-source endeavor, I hope to share the care and feeding of this site with many as it becomes a valuable academic and broad resource. We are all always in one form of transition or another; a trasntheology creates a frame in which changes and variations become a part of being in loving, healthy relationship with G-d(s) (or without them, amongst one another).
I recently completed my MDiv (May 23, 2013) and have been accepted to the Interdisciplinary Studies PhD program at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA, which I'll begin in August 2013. And this--Transtheology--is my chosen and called-to field. Even though ideas, practices and deities that had more than one or a fluid gender have been around since the dawn of religious practices, it's somehow new again, this idea that gender is a spectrum with two ends, not a shelf with only two boxes (one pink, one blue). If humans are imago Dei, then G-d(s) must be as diverse as the humanity that embodies G-d(s). My work is rooted post-colonial, liberation, queer, and Indecent theologies.
I'm an interfaith/interreligious scholar, but have done most of my work in the Abrahamics. I've been deeply influenced by Marcella Althaus-Reid, Lisa Isherwood, Virginia Ramey-Mollenkott, Audre Lorde, Adrienne Rich, John Boswell, Mark Jordan, Jay Emerson Johnson, Justin Tanis, Bernard Schlager and many more. They helped lay the foundations of a shared language in which we might discuss these ideas, and there's much more work to be done. I appreciate your patience, support and contributions as this becomes bigger, better, and more theologically sound than one person alone could make it.
Right now, it's just one poor grad student herding these theological cats; I hope you'll jump right in with your support, whether it be a monetary donation or a contribution to the site. I look forward to many enlivened discussions and fruitful collaborations with all who engage with this work.
Blessed transitions to you,
Deborah Addington
snail: PO Box 2192, Berkeley CA, 94702
“Theology is a sexual act and Indecent Theologians are called to be sexual performers of a committed praxis of social justice and transformation of the structures of economic and sexual oppression in their societies.”
--Marcella Althaus-Reid,Indecent Theology,