Transtheological Reflections, managed by Noach Dzmura, editor of "Balancing on the Mechitza: Transgender in Jewish Community."

TransFaith Online.  Good book/resource lists.

iRobyn: Robyn Henderson-Espinoza's blog.  I am eager to work with this colleague.

Religion at the Margins:  "A space dedicated to the exploration of marginalized perspectives in religion, politics, and culture. “At the margins” might refer to a class or group of people, or a heterodox theological perspective, or to those who find themselves on the margins of a faith that was once central to their lives. In any case, the theme here is marginality.

Here at Religion at the Margins we seek to display a variety of perspectives and positions, not all of which are necessarily compatible with one another. It is not our goal to construct a systematic theology, a comprehensive political theory, or a pristine account of culture. We also seek to create a space free of hostility and judgment, a space dedicated to the free expression of ideas—a non-combative environment. The contributors are a mix of student and scholar, clergy and laity, even believer and unbeliever. Sometimes these are the same people."

CLGS:  Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry at Pacific School of religion (yes, they know the name is outdated and are working on it).  An excellent resource; host of both the Harkness and Boswell lecture series.

Peculiar Faith: Jay Emerson Johnson's blog.

Queer scholar Joseph N Goh's blog.

Matthew Vine's webpage.  His theology and exegesis are stunning and groundbreaking.

Jesus in Love blog, managed by Kittredge Cherry.

Link exchange or a suggestion to add here?  Please email!